Patterdale, Grisedale, Grisedale Tarn, Deepdale Hause, St. Sunday Crag, Birks and Arniston Crag
One of those cracking snow days when it's crisp but not cold at all when your walking, and the sun comes out to make it really special. The Lake Disrict looks even better when those conditions prevail.
Although I've visited St Sunday Crag many times before, I'd never actually done it via Grisedale first. So today I decided to break with tradition and see what it was like. Well, I was very impressed - it may have been the conditions, but I think it's actually a slightly better route. The gentle ascent up through Grisedale to the tarn is barely noticable, whereas the tiring slog up the eastern side of St Sunday Crag is avoided. One to do again I think !
Wainwrights Visited
3D outline of route