All the information on this site is purely records of the walks I have done over the years and by no means are they the ‘best routes’ or indeed are they specific ‘route guides’ and should not be treated as such. It is every walker’s responsibility to check and research their own intended route, do the necessary preparation and ensure that they are fit and suitably prepared for the challenge.
I assign a 'Difficulty' category for each walk based on my own walking capabilities and how I found it to be. Other walkers may have better or poorer walking capabilities than me and may judge it differently. I have also added a 'Hardness' guide to help me judge the severity of the walk (See Below), but as this has only recently been added, so it will likely contradict many of my previous walks over the last 13 years (I have no intention of revising these), but the aim now will be to add a bit of consistency to my judgement of a walk, rather than how I feel at the time.
It must also be stated that the information contained in the material on this Website is for information purposes only and does not constitute advice. I therefore disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on such materials by any user of this Website, or by anyone who may be informed of any of its contents.