The Dodds - Clough Head, Great Dodd, Watsons Dodd and Stybarrow Dodd

Sunday 7th January 2024

The Dodds - Clough Head, Great Dodd, Watsons Dodd and Stybarrow Dodd.

Not a familiar route for me today. I wanted to walk the Dodds, but having walked back via Hart Side in the past, I fancied a change and decided to return to the car park at High Row by taking the eastern path from Great Dodd to Randerside and then following the Groove Beck path. The reason being was that I've never walked that path before, but it did mean a bit of an out and back to Watsons Dodd and Stybarrow Dodd, although I did mix it up a bit as you will see from the map.

Forgetting the slightly odd route, today was made fantastic by the weather. There was no wind, lovely winter sun and white crisp frozen ground - you cannot fail to enjoy walking in the fells on days like today.

The information contained in the material on this Website is for information purposes only and does not constitute advice.
Distance: 12.1 miles
Duration: 5:45 hours
Ascent: 3087 ft
Difficulty: Hard
Accompanied By: On my Own
Weather: Cold but Sunny

3D outline of route
