Usual spot on the A591 just outside of Grasmere - Busy for a Friday, but maybe the snow, sun and clear skies had something to do with it?
Taking the Greenhead Gill Track, the short road meanders alongside the stream.
Looks like it's a left turn for us then , but not many signposts like this in the Lake District. Saves you checking your map I suppose.
Peering through and looking down towards Michaels Nook.
The single file path veers away from the direction you would expect to be going up Stone Arthur. You can just make it out on this photo as it heads southwards.
A steady climb, with many stops to admire the stunning views over lakeland.
From Stone Arthur, looking down onto Grasmere with many fells, including the Coniston fells, in clear view
Stone Arthur summit.
On very frozen ground, but Davy still managed to find thin ice over a squelchy bit. Went down about a foot, and well above the boot top but he survived.
Now heading up towards Great Rigg.
The Fairfield horseshoe begins to come into view. Expect to see a few more walkers from now on.
As we join the Fairfield Horseshoe, Dove Crag and the other side of the Horseshoe can be seen. Funnily enough, it was only a couple of weeks ago that I was standing near Dove Crag looking over at Great Rigg.
Looking back down the main path in the direction of Ambleside
Great Rigg summit cairn.
Looking east from the flat top of Fairfield.
St Sunday Crag.
Helvellyn massif.
After spending a few minutes on Fairfield, we head down the path towards Grisedale Tarn
Seat Sandal and our direct route up to the summit.
We decided to sit in the sun and enjoy a late lunch whilst enjoying the beauty and stillness of the tarn.
A very enjoyable steep climb up the eastern side path of Seat Sandal with plenty of easy hand to rock clambers.
Looking back over to the path down Fairfield which we had recently descended. Our micro-spikes were very much needed today.
Seat Sandal summit cairn.
We weighed up our options and decided to head directly back to Grasmere.
Following the cairn, we picked up the path and headed downhill.
Keeping the spikes on, as the ground was still frozen and slippery, the environment began to return to lush green.
What a superb day it had been today, these are the types of walks that make you feel great to be alive. Sun, snow and sumptuous views all day throughout. I really hope it stays like this next week.