Grasmere, Easedale Tarn, Belles Knott, Sergeant Man, High Raise, Calf Crag, Gibson Knott, Helm Crag & Lancrigg.
Wainwrights Visited
3D outline of route
Pre-Fellwalking warm up
The girls enjoying the splendour of Sour Milk Ghyll on the way to Easedale Tarn
Near Belles Knott with Easedale Tarn behind that big fella
The girls loved the gentle scrambling - This was a great way to get trim
Chilling - with Harrison Stickle & Stickle Tarn behind
I wish I could take them walking with me every weekend - these moments are precious
Sunning views into Langdale and the Coniston Fells in the distance
The summit of High Raise (Langdale) - and still smiles all round !
The Ghyll more or less maps our route up to Easedale Tarn earlier in the day
Someone spotted the pub ! Slow Down !! Old man can't keep up !!