Glaramara summit - looking over towards the familiar shapes of the Langdale Pikes.
I always say that Glaramara is a tough climb, it may be that I often include it at the end of the days walk and hence I'm a bit more tired when I walk it - but the terrain is very rocky and uneven, the spine is very undulating, meaning you gain height and then loose it straight away, and then there are many false summits to conquer before finally reaching the actual summit. It's a lovely climb - so enjoyable, but I think it's a tough one. I've never actually ascended this summit from Borrowdale (I've always done it on descent back down to Seathwaite), but I bet that's a hard climb going up that way - I think I'd always prefer the Grains Gill more gradual climb - but maybe one day I'll give it a go.