Offa's Dyke Day 7 - Knucklas to Kington
A slightly easier day today although there were still some of those Switchbacks to contend with. Plenty of stiles as we cross through all the lovely countryside.
We went through Knighton but it was predominently fields, farmland, heathland and wooded country all the way, often whilst walking atop or alongside the dyke.
Another surprise awaited us at our hotel in Kington - this time you could use the pool and sauna etc of the adjacent leisure centre. It was a lovely new facility and we soothed our tired and aching limbs in the lovely pool, jacuzzi's and sauna's within. We were beginning to get used to all this luxury !! Finally we dragged ourselves away and went for the mandatory beers around the town - another good stopover.
Very few photo's taken today I'm afraid
3D outline of route